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Wow Classic Anniversary
A fresh batch of servers is scheduled to be released for WoW Classic on November 21st 2024. I’ve been playing WoW since its release in 2004 though the Cataclysm expansion where things started to die off for me. I’ve touched each expansion here and there since then but havent spent much time with them. I feel like the game lost itself somewhere along the way. But I am excited to restart my journey for the 4th time (vanilla, classic, SOD). To help add a bit of a twist to this reset I am tinkering with the option of running a 5-party multibox setup. I’ve played a couple of hours on the era servers with a paladin, priest, and mage and it seems doable. Blizzard has banned the use of input broadcasting software which made the enitre process much easier. But I have a working concept utilizing a couple tools such as ShiftWindow to automatically position my wow clients. And other addons he first being EMA which provides a lot of in-game utility for managing quests, party, etc.
Lets Game Dev Part 1
I spent some time tweaking our tree model where I left of from last time. One of the major issues I had was that there was some strange transparency issues happening when the tree was viewed from above. Almost as if two of the planes had opposite normals the transparency would combine them together and would only display tiny little fragments. The settings that made impacted the quality the most were changing the transparency mode to Alpha Clipping and disabling back face culling. Some other minor improvements I made were to disable both tree textures from receiving shadows and to make the texture backlit to avoid odd parts of it being illuminated from the sun. Overall I think it turned out quite nice
On Change
I’ve had the discomfort pleasure of going though a few changes over the past 6 months or so. And no were not talking
about seasonal changes, or changing the time, these are professional changes. One common thread I picked up on was the
assurance that the status quo would be maintained. However there was a stark contrast in the delivery of the message on
both occurances. My thoughts on how to deliver the news of change would be to have a clear plan in place. Its impossible
to prepare for every scenario but having a clear message and thought on the future goes a long way and shows that
matters are being taken seriously. Delivering conflicting information causes doubt and confusion for parties involved.
Remote work has certainly thrown a wrench in the process. People are no longer just a walk down the hallway. Remote
workers are no longer privilege to watercooler conversations. Not necessarily gossip but having your ear to the ground
so to speak. Theres the official message being delivered but a significant aspect to that message is the leading up to
it. Change doesnt happen in a vaccum, there is a series of events that takes place before hand. Topics are discussed,
feelings are heard, meetings planned, work gets done, etc. I’m not quite sure what point I am trying to make, if there is
one, but I felt it was a small message worth sharing.